Our Values
From the beginning stages of Sea Seven, we knew it was extremely important to create pieces that were sustainable from start to finish. With that being said, we make efforts to source from manufacturers that use organic cotton or recycled materials, and factories that recycle water to decrease water usage. Once pieces are completed and ready to be shipped, we will send them in compostable and biodegradable packaging with minimal to no waste.
Along with efforts to protect Mother Earth, it is just as important to protect the people that make Sea Seven happen. Our manufacturers ensure fair wages and safe working conditions for employees to provide lasting careers that support their families. Products are then sent to Hawaii to be printed, supporting a small local business. Besides working with large manufacturing companies, we also make efforts to work with small businesses and individuals to create thoughtful small batch pieces.
We hope that Sea Seven points people in the direction to buy things with intention, and to be more conscious of the living world around them.